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Nov 15, 2020

Angular 11 and TypeScript at Bloomberg

AngularJS 11, Babylon.js and a weekend read. Here’s what’s happening in the JavaScript world this week

Release: Version 11 of AngularJS is here

Version 11.0.0 is here, and it claims to have some great updates. Experimental webpack 5 support, faster builds, improved hot module replacement support, and more.

Release: Babylon.js 4.2

For those looking for a game to build on the weekends, this one’s for you.

Babylon.js is a simple and powerful open game and rendering engine packed into JavaScript framework. This new release features new particle editor, sprite editor, texture viewer and a lot more.

Article: 10 Insights from Adopting TypeScript at Scale

In a great write-up Rob Palmer, Co-chair of TC39, shares some great insights from migrating a huge JavaScript codebase to TypeScript at Bloomberg.

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