Sep 5, 2021
A nifty DOM library and a few good reads
Three projects for you to explore, all on different spectrums, but doing something radical or peculiar.
Past Editions
All projects this edition
Peeky Testing, Vue 3.2 and JS Iterables
Win for VueJS
Dinero will take care of the money
CSVs, exporting modules and security DX
The last return wins
Let's start with performance
Astro for the stars
Tree Shaking, Vanilla Extract, MDN
Parcel is getting faster
Just great links for you
Project, Talk, Podcast
Articles and a book for you
State of JS report is out
VanillaJS does scale
Volta 1.0 & React on Server?
Just libraries this week
3 great reads
Don't wanna miss this!
Some good reads
Angular 11 and TypeScript at Bloomberg
Next.js 10, Vanilla To-Do and a read on ES modules
Discover packages better with Skypack
Tables, Faster Desktop Apps and CDN privacy
Dropbox, SPAs, WASM
Chrome and libraries
What's new in ECMAScript
MomentJS is done
Hot takes, superfast memoization and decorators
Just articles this week
3D texts and some reads